90 хв
In Her Car episode screening + Q&A session
Zhovten cinema, Classic hall

The series discusses many sore subjects for Ukrainian society: such as separatism, saboteurs, corruption, humanitarian aid stealing, Russian propagandists, draft evasion, and prejudices against the LGBT community.

The directors say that they create films and series about Russian aggression against Ukraine to remind foreign viewers about the ongoing war and the realities of it. Therefore, the series, which premiered in 2024, was released not only for Ukrainian viewers, but also in Germany, France, Sweden, Austria, Iceland, and Denmark. Japan, Finland, Latvia, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia are awaiting release.

Speakers: In Her Car showrunner Eugen Tunik, actress Anastasiia Karpenko, cinematographer Volodymyr Ivanov, Starlight Media representative Yana Honcharenko
: Ukrainian